Site policy

Site policy

The following terms and conditions contained in this legal notice apply to all users of this web site. By accessing this web site, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by and comply with the following terms and conditions. AUTOURDSI EURL or any of its subsidiaries reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time, without notice. If you violate such terms and conditions, you may be held liable and AUTOURDSI EURL may seek remedies available by law for any violations.

This web site and the content hereof are the sole property of AUTOURDSI EURL, except as expressly stated.

Legal Form: SARL in sole shareholder with capital of 7000 euros

Headquarters: 121 rue du Temple de Blosne – Immeuble ATLAS – 2ème Etage – 35136 ST JACQUES DE LA LANDE, France

Chief Executive Officer:


Phone: +33 (0) 9 67 41 60 62

Site name:

Director of the publication: Sir Yael CHEENNE

Hosting: SARDUS France
13 rue Vatable 80000 AMIENS
Phone: +33 (0) 3 22 66 14 10

Technical Information and disclaimers

As the user of this Website, you acknowledge that you have the necessary means and ability to access and use this site and have verified that the computer configuration being used does not contain any viruses and is in perfect working order.

You acknowledge having been informed that this Website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for situations beyond its control, problems connected to communication network structures or technical difficulties. You acknowledge, in particular, being aware that Internet pages are interpreted differently by the different Network browsers on the market.

For the purposes of maintenance, AUTOURDSI EURL may interrupt the Website and will make every effort to notify its users.

In accordance with the provisions of the law of January 6, 1978 regarding computer services, files and civil liberties, the automated processing of personal data performed on this Website has been declared to the CNIL. (Future number).

AUTOURDSI EURL makes every effort to provide its users with all available, verified information and/or tools but may not be held liable for any errors, unavailable data and/or viruses present on its Website.

In no sense shall AUTOURDSI EURL be considered a partner or intermediary through any possible financial or other relationship, which might be formed directly or indirectly between the user and an advertiser. AUTOURDSI EURL reserves the right to remove or modify all or part of its services or items appearing on its Website.

Links to Third Party Sites

Links on the AUTOURDSI EURL Website to third-party websites are provided solely for your convenience. If you access those links, you will leave AUTOURDSI EURL Website. AUTOURDSI EURL does not endorse or make any representations about such third party websites and AUTOURDSI EURL is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice or statements made on those websites. AUTOURDSI EURL does not control those websites and AUTOURDSI EURL is not responsible for the contents of any third-party websites, any links contained in third-party websites or any changes or updates to third-party websites.

Data protection and civil liberties law

As the user, you are informed, in accordance with article 27 of the data protection, files and civil liberties law of January 6 1978, that any optional data you may choose to provide when completing the forms located on the Website allowing us to respond to your request, are intended for AUTOURDSI EURL, which is responsible for the processing of the data, for administrative and business management purposes.

You are informed that you have a right to access and rectify all personal data regarding you by writing to AUTOURDSI EURL Publication Director (

You may also, for legitimate purposes, object to the processing of any data about you.

Ownership and copyright

The general reproduction structure of texts, animated images or otherwise and any other component of the Website are the sole property of AUTOURDSI EURL. Any total or partial representation of this Website by any process whatsoever without the express authorization of AUTOURDSI EURL is forbidden and shall constitute unauthorized reproduction penalized by
articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Code of intellectual property.

All of the rights of reproduction are reserved, including downloadable documents (logos,images, photographies, catalogs, booklets and any type of information whatsoever…). Downloadable documents are also protected by copyright.

Similarly, databases appearing on the Website, which is protected by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code concerning incorporation of the European directive of March 11, 1996 regarding the legal protection of databases produced by AUTOURDSI EURL.

No user or visitor of the Website may install a hyperlink to this Website without the express prior authorization of AUTOURDSI EURL.